
Our PR Backlink campaign landed on Forbes, Yahoo, NBC, and 40+ top media outlets!

Earned backlinks

40+ Editorial

Top referring domains

Forbes, Yahoo, MSN, NBC, Nine, Cleveland and more


30k Organic traffic & 47k New keywords ranked

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The mighty PR backlink strategy has blessed us with more success stories as we dive deep into Food and Beverage industry. Previously, we worked with data from the AI industry. That was only the beginning, with more successes to follow!

In our latest data-driven research on popular global cuisines, we took our time and efforts to understand the most popular cuisines, meal types, and food trends WORLDWIDE. We created outstanding data-backed content that equally resonates with food enthusiasts, restaurants, and journalists alike.

From this case study, you will learn what we achieved for a Food & Beverage niche client through a strategic PR backlink campaign. Excited much?

Campaign specifications

Number of campaigns: 02

Niche: Food and beverage

Service: Digital PR backlinks

Duration: 4 weeks

Campaign results

Our PR backlink campaigns achieved exceptional results with 40+ editorial placements. including Forbes, MSN, and Yahoo. Over 80% of the backlinks have a DR of 70 or higher, and 12 of
them receive over 1 million+ in traffic significantly increasing our client’s search engine traffic and
impression in just two weeks.

This is not the end, as the client can expect even better rankings over the next few months.

Here are a few top editorial backlinks and their metrics:

Domain traffic
Backlink URL
Domain traffic
Backlink URL


1. New keyword rankings: Our campaign made the client’s website rank for 47,000+ new keywords in just two weeks. And that’s huge!

New keyword rankings

2. Total traffic improvement: In just two weeks, the client’s site experienced a 17% increase in total traffic. It would take months if not years to get this result.

Total Traffic Improvement

3. Significant organic traffic growth: We successfully made a 30,000 increase in organic traffic. Can you guess the time we took? Two weeks again!

Traffic Growth

Our strategy

We believe there are no shortcuts to success. But again, we are also saying it took us just two weeks to get real results. That too, in SEO!

Don’t be confused by seeing how little time it takes to see actual results. It still involves a lot of hard work. Do you want to learn more about our strategy?

Data-driven hard work: To create an effective PR backlink campaign for our Food & Beverage client, we took our laptops/PC and dug deep into digital data. We focused on understanding the latest trends in popular cuisines and dishes. The plan was to connect our client’s content to these popular trends worldwide. It would naturally lead to increased interest and engagement from readers and journalists alike.

A secret you should keep: In this data-driven approach, we took the help of mighty Social Media! Instagram specifically helped us to identify the most frequently mentioned cuisines, meal types, and food-related hashtags. Look for the detailed results of our research on the client’s page here.

Tailoring quality content: Based on our findings, we tailored the client’s content to tap into these trends, making it highly relevant and appealing to the audience. We ensured that the content was engaging and informative. We also put our efforts into making it visually appealing using captivating charts and visuals.

Researched targeting: Next, we researched again. We built a list of top websites in the food and beverage niche. They were our targets for our outreach campaign. We managed to successfully create a compelling story around our client’s content. And it naturally resonated with the reporters and editors at these top publications, making them more likely to fall right into our grasp. And they did!

Relationship-first: This does not end here as we focused next on building relationships with these publications. By understanding their content needs and providing them with valuable resources to complement their existing coverage, we were able to build a strong sense of trust. This ‘relationship-first’ approach enabled us to secure high-quality contextual backlinks from authoritative sources like Forbes, Yahoo, MSN, and NBC, among others.

Result-oriented approach: We closely monitored the campaign’s progress and adjusted our strategy accordingly to ensure the best possible results. This involved analyzing the data to identify which angles were resonating with the audience and refining our outreach accordingly.

Want a similar strategy for your blog? Don’t hesitate to book a free 30 mins strategy session with us.

What did we gain

As a result of our data-driven and relationship-focused strategy, our client experienced significant gains in search rankings, securing over 47,000 new keywords in just two weeks. The campaign also resulted in an impressive 30k organic traffic growth.

It’s important to note that search engine ranking typically takes time. However, our PR backlinks are so powerful that the client has already started seeing improvements in new keyword rankings, SERP, impressions, and CTR within just two weeks. Moreover, the client can confidently anticipate continued growth in rankings and organic traffic over the next 6-8 months.

Final note

This case study demonstrates the significant impact of a well-executed PR backlink campaign. It can bring marvelous results in search engine rankings and organic traffic growth. All we did is secure high-quality Digital PR backlinks and craft compelling content. But that was enough to let our food and beverage clients boost their online visibility and drive desired business growth.

Looking to harness the power of PR backlinks to boost your online presence? Whatever your niche is, you have found a gold mine!

Get in touch with us today to see how our team of experts can help you. We will craft a compelling and results-driven campaign tailored to your unique needs.

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